People all over the world use the Tapatak Oz Syllabus
“Good Morning, I just want to say that I love Tapatak! I haven been learning it since the beginning of the year with Miss Chriss Deuxberry, and it is so much fun. I thought I was at the end and couldn’t learn anymore, but this is so great. Such an amazing syllabus! I can’t wait for my tap class each week, wanting to see what’s in store for us next. I love it! Thank you!”
“I am a parent of 2 girls that both dance (10 yrs and 14 yrs old) and they have been tapping for approximately 4 years. Since moving to UDA this year and experiencing Tapatak Oz they have improved out of sight! They love it so much and it shows in their dancing! So – a huge thank you to you!”

“Tapatak Oz is a content rich, inspiring and modern tap dancing syllabus . Christine has certainly packed in her 20+ years of tap dancing experience into this complete training program. During my time running DanceLife I had never come across a person with such an extensive knowledge and passion for the tap industry. Regardless of the size of your dance studio, having Tapatak Oz as your tap syllabus will not be a decision you’ll regret!”

“I have to thank you Christine, as you were a big part of my tap development and I wouldn’t have had the success I had with my tap adventures without your involvement!! Thank you Ms Christine!”

“I have known Christine Denny for nearly 15 years. She is highly regarded in the entertainment industry for her incredible tapping ability and is without doubt a leader in the field. Her absolute brilliance in tap education is extraordinary.”

“For anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Christine it is very evident that she has an immense passion for the art form. Christine is amongst the most professional & skilled industry professionals that I have worked with. She commands the attention of everyone in the room gaining excellent results with her teaching. I would describe Christine’s content as unique, interesting, detailed and a class act.”

“Christine Denny certainly knows everything about rhythm and communicating through your feet. She has an incredible knowledge of tap and tap techniques.”

“If you own your own dance school and haven’t yet heard of Tapatak Oz, then listen up! People all over the world are talking about it! It’s modern, It’s fun (for both teachers AND students), It’s full of exciting, comprehensive yet intricate rhythms and canons! It’s incredibly well-structured and promotes the students to develop personality and individuality in their performances!”“Tapatak Oz CAN be a stand alone Tap system with exams and the whole deal, however, if you currently own a different syllabus and don’t want to change, it’s all good! It’s also a great option as an add-on to your current tap setup. All you have to do grab the level you want and you’ll have a pile of new combos that will challenge and excite your students (and teachers)!
Personally, I have been teaching Tapatak Oz for over a year to a number of different dance schools in Brisbane and now I’m teaching it 5 days a week and loving every day!”

“Senior Advanced One is a much needed challenge for my eager students who are of a professional level. Intricate rhythms, exciting step sequences, and all round enjoyable exercises keep my students focused and enthusiastic.”

“The essence of true tap comes from none other than Christine Denny. Having been taught by Christine in my younger years, her unique flair and inspiring eye for the genre of tap is second to none. The innovative and nurturing way to learn tap through this DVD series/syllabus is everything you need for the success of becoming a great tapper. No-one does it better!”

“At last! A modern syllabus for tappers. Christine is a great ambassador for the tap community and provides great teaching techniques. To have access to these great tap DVD’s is a real privilege whether you are a teacher, beginner or professional. This innovative and fresh approach to tap incorporates a wide range of rhythms and styles. I highly recommend this syllabus for anybody wanting to learn tap.”

“Christine is one of the most highly respected tap teachers in the country. Christine’s ability and technique is second to none. These DVD’s are a must for any dance school or professional wishing to achieve their greatest potential.”

“At last! I have been waiting an age for this…Christine Denny has released a DVD series containing all her wonderful teaching techniques, exercises and choreography. As a valued member of the Australian Tap Community, Christine’s expertise is constantly sought choreographically and on an educational level. I have had the fortune to work alongside Christine in a teaching capacity and the even greater fortune of dancing her choreography. The work is inspiring but most of all fun to dance!! Her knowledge of rhythms and tap technique is extraordinary. There are few people in Australia who do it better than Christine! We are so lucky to have her sharing her work with us all. Can’t wait to get the DVD set and start dancing!”

“Christine has been on the tap scene in Australia as long as I have. Her knowledge and passion for the dance art has never lost its strength and a Tap DVD series is an ideal way for her tapping ‘voice’ to be heard. Christine’s clear and clean approach to rhythms and technique can now be shared by all.”

“Christine is probably the most skilled and experienced tap instructor in Australia.
Her work is intelligent and rhythmical, and her choreography world class! Christine makes tapping easy and fun to learn.”

“Having worked with Christine Denny at The McDonald College from 2001 – 2004, I would like to say that she is one of the most motivated and professional people I know. Her work is always exciting, entertaining, creative and very rhythmical. I would go so far as to say she is one of the best tap dancers/choreographers in Australia.”

“Christine Denny has a unique gift for rhythm which she uses to great effect in her choreography. She is exceptional to work with, inspiring and talented in passing on her knowledge and in depth understanding of tap dancing to others. Knowing of Christine’s work in the UK and Australia she was asked to choreograph a tap solo for Wayne Sleep where Christine excelled herself, mixing various styles to create a show stopping number. I adore the way she can walk into a rehearsal room, put everyone at their ease and achieve the greatest results within the time permitted. Because of Christine’s talent, passion and care for her work, I can strongly recommend what she does, knowing she will bring something new, effective and fun to the world of Tap Dancing.”

“As an educator of Dance in a High School here in Western Australia and previously in New South Wales, I find that Tapatak Oz is an extremely valuable resource for students learning Tap as a style to compliment any school’s dance or arts curriculum and Christine’s easy and enjoyable approach to learning and mastering the art of Tap is to be commended and embraced by all.”“I have been privileged enough to have been taught by Christine for 4 years previously to moving to Perth and found that her style is both unique and fun to learn. Her friendly and approachable manner makes learning tap an amazing experience.”
“The Tapatak Oz DVDs are an amazing resource for any dance teacher and school, whether they are a private institution or a public education system. When Christine told me that she was producing a range of DVDs of her work I was thrilled, as now there is finally something out there for teachers and students to use that is both extremely user friendly and fun.”
“There are lots of technical exercises and dances that stretch a dancer’s boundaries. This is the most easy to use DVD collection on instructional tap I have ever come across and I highly recommend these DVDs to not only private dance teachers but also to all of those high schools out there who have tap students amongst their classes. The language and instruction given within each DVD is comprehensive and clear and Christine’s breakdown of each step, sequence and dance is very easy to follow and pick up.”
“The DVD’s are extremely suitable and match up well with educational syllabi (7 – 12) for high schools across Australia, as we teach all styles of dance which compliment the Contemporary genre available to our students. Even if you do not use it as part of your daily teaching program, it is a great resource to have for when you want to incorporate Tap into a dance item or start up a Tap troupe at your school.”
“My students absolutely love Christine’s style of tap that I am using as not only part of our extra curricular activities, but also in my every day teaching within the classroom.”
“I recommend this unique and enjoyable style of Tap to help spice up your class time and have no hesitation in saying that the Tapatak Oz DVD’s and syllabus are the best tap dance resource out on the market for any dance teacher.”

“Hi Christine, My name is Ash and I go to Planetdance. I attended your teacher’s seminar earlier this year and I just wanted to say Thank you. That seminar and the DVDs have really made it easier and more fun to teach tap and also be a part of it as well. The more exercises I learn the more fun it gets. I love this syllabus – how you can make it your own style as well. And your videos are so informative and make it so much easier to explain to the children how to do the steps. So Thank you – I love Tapatak Oz!”
“Christine’s classes are always innovative and her tap style is a refreshing and exciting blend of rhythm and tempo. I always come away from the class feeling great and enlightened! I would recommend these classes to anyone – from beginners to professional performers. Christine can do anything!”

“The Tapatak Oz syllabus is the best investment I have put into our studio….if I was to return to your website to purchase the syllabus I would be prepared to spend anywhere up to $10,000.00 for this product. When the books and DVD’s arrived, I was very impressed. For me, this isn’t a syllabus, it is a life changing career tool and I just can’t thank you enough for coming with us on this journey as we create tap for the next generation…..I just can’t speak highly enough of Tapatak Oz.”

“I love how the students show their own individuality in their tapping. They have a much better understanding of rhythm and accents using Tapatak Oz. And it’s fun. The students really enjoy it. And at the end of the year they have actually learned something new and productive that they can add into their own choreography. Tapatak Oz really inspires our students and as a teacher I find it a wonderful base for me to explore my own creativity as a choreographer and teacher. We love it!”

“I was looking for a Tap Syllabus that had a professional approach, and I’m so pleased to have found Tapatak Oz. It is all at once modern and fun, challenging and inspiring. What makes it extra special is Christine’s continued input; this makes it a living, evolving syllabus, underpinned by the belief that children should love learning.”

“ I have only begun to watch the videos, but am ecstatic about what my students and I are going to learn from you! I tried the tic- toc circle with my younger tappers last night and they loved it!! 🙂 We currently use another syllabus and like it a lot – but I think your syllabus will be the missing piece to our tap curriculum. It’s just what we need to revive our excitement for tap. ”

“ Hi Christine,
Firstly I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have purchased some of your material!
I have been a tap teacher for over 20 years and this is truly the best tap resource I have ever set my eyes on! (and I am very familiar with most out there on the market)
I love how your combinations are so rhythmical, musical and how quickly my students feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement. It’s always been a fine line to juggle progress and success without some students feeling frustrated and bored with old fashioned music and out dated steps. So your syllabus has been a breath of fresh air! And has put the wind back in my sails, so thank you!”
“What a day yesterday was! There was so much information for me to take in haha. I cannot thank you enough for what you have already brought to our school, the students and myself.
I know we are on the right track now to having a strong and improved tap department. Just being around you I can feel the passion and enthusiasm you have for tap, as well as a lifetime of knowledge that I hope one day I can have myself. Bring on next year and beyond with Tapatak Oz yay!!

“I’m not a natural tapper but had lots of requests to start up a tots tap class so the first person that sprung to mind was Christine Denny. We trained together in England and I knew that with her expertise and I would be able to deliver a fun and confident class! I purchased the Tiny Tots package (which is amazing value for money) and I love it! The instructions are so clear and concise and the syllabus is really good fun for the little ones. I’m very proud to be representing Tapatak Oz here in the U.K and I’m looking forward to hearing lots of little feet tapping away!! ”

“Christine I am loving every minute of this Tapatak Oz programme – thank you, just what I needed! Doing the happy dance!”

“Thank you so much for coming and running the recent Tapatak Oz workshop. I had an amazing time and am still falling asleep doing all your fantastic rhythms. I had taught “shuffle clap ball stamp” to my adult class previous to your workshop and had them again last night, in which I used some of your teaching methods (starting with 2 feet, then slowly adding each part in, even mentioning the string) and they said that it was so much easier to pick it up that way – so thank you for that too. I also saw the kids yesterday that came to the workshop on Sunday. They had all practiced their roll throughs so much (driven their parents crazy – but now had them) and were so excited to show the other kids who didnt attend what they had learnt. In their words “that workshop was hard, but I loved it”. Thank you again for sharing all your knowledge!!”

“I am thrilled to say that the syllabus has transformed tap in my school. The exams were so different to other syllabi and I loved the way they were conducted. What more can you ask for? Thank you Christine for helping me give tap a new boost in my school and I am over the moon with the results”

“The best addition to my new school was introducing TAPATAK OZ! The kids are now so motivated and enjoy the funky music and challenging steps. I’ve seen a HUGE improvement in all my students even after only one term and have enjoyed teaching tap more than ever – I can’t stop smiling when they come in each week and show me the steps they’ve perfected after practicing all week at home!”

” We’ve always had a very strong tap program here at our studio with several of our students continuing into professional dance. It just seemed sometimes the students would get through a level but just weren’t ready to move on. Tapatak Oz has given us so much more material and technique to add to our program. Their approach is much different than our other program, concentrating more on rhythm tap, focusing on heel work and accents, as opposed to a more classical technique where we work a lot with shuffles. I love the fact that we have both a manual and video downloads to help us through the material, especially since we don’t exactly speak the same tap language (LOL). Several times I have had computer problems where my download did not work, my computer was actually corrupted and I lost ALL my videos. Christine graciously made them all available to me again. They are so willing to be there for you with help to your questions and/or technical needs.”

“Hi Christine – I just wanted to share. I’ve been beginning to ask questions at the start of each class particularly in Jnr school to find out more about kids and get them answering questions with more confidence.. I recently asked my junior intermediate II group (Jnr intermediate last year) what there favourite style of dance is.. Majority answered tap!!! Huge step considering most didn’t like tap a few years ago!! They’re loving your syllabus! I’ve also been splitting them into groups like you suggested last year so to push the ones who pick it up quicker .. It’s working a treat! Getting through more of the syllabus and inspiring the kids who are still on the basics to work harder so they can join the other group. Just wanted to say thank you!! Doing exams last year inspired my students but having that one on one feedback was so incredible and also inspired me as a teacher!”

“We are loving TAPATAK OZ! Our students thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of our first session of exams – throw away the leotards and buns and actually feel like you are doing a modern/up-to-date tap exam. Everyone at the studio is already looking forward to next years exams!!”“The syllabus is funky and rhythmical without “plinky plonky old school tap music and the best part about it is that is completely different from my own style. All of my teachers are thoroughly enjoying the DVDs, finding them enjoyable and easy to follow. I was never going to bother with tap exams at my studio, as I didn’t think there was a syllabus out there that my students would enjoy and subsequently benefit from, so I am so grateful to Christine that she has devised this up-to-date system that caters to the market of today – combining, fun, challenge and technique!!”

“I have been teaching tap for around 10 years now and have experienced a plethora of syllabi both as a student and a teacher. It is incredibly important to have a system that’s specifically designed to develop young tap dancers, not only by teaching them harder steps each time they advance a level, but by expanding their knowledge of steps they’ve learnt in earlier grades and I’ve never taught something that did this as well as Christine Denny’s TAPATAK OZ.”“I absolutely love teaching the combinations and dances from TAPATAK OZ but on top of that, I have equally as much fun learning them myself in preparation for my classes! With routines and combinations that are full of intricate rhythms but done in a way that makes sense to people of all ages, TAPATAK OZ is a fun way to achieve things you never thought possible! If you own your own dance school and want to step up the standard of your tap students, look no further than TAPATAK OZ.”

“Tapatak is going great at All That Jazz. We have nearly our whole school doing the classes now. My jun/ adv kiddies just love it. There is just so much to learn in each grade. Keeps us going. I’m just loving it. Thanks again for providing such a wonderful tap program.”

“Tapatak Oz is the best thing that has happened to my school in over 50 years… and I know my daughter Christine is loving it so much too. My kids just love the unusual rhythms…. and it has put a spark back in my teaching too…”

“The kids have all received their Tapatak Oz Exam results and are all incredibly happy. As am I. I love the comments you wrote on each child’s report. I read each of them their reports and they all had beaming smiles listening to them. Most importantly, they are all mega keen to keep tapping. I had one of the Intermediates showing me how they’ve practiced their roll throughs about five minutes before going into their RAD exam.”

“Well we had our first week back and my first week teaching the Tapatak Oz tap syllabus!! I love it, the kids love it, and we have even more students enrolling who had dropped out last year – wanting to come back after they saw what they were missing!! I feel like a tap teacher again!! (having had to teach really old exam work before). Anyway – I just thought I would let you know that we all love what you have put together!”

“In 2009 Ignite Dance Studio introduced the Tapatak Oz syllabus into the Senior classes. The seniors loved the challenge of the rhythms and combinations and kept asking for more each week. 2010 has seen the studio introduce the syllabus into the intermediate and junior levels as well as expanding the senior work. All the children absolutely love the syllabus and always leave the class with “happy feet” and of course this makes for “happy days” for the teacher. In fact, in my 25 years of teaching I have never seen the situation where the children in an RAD ballet class two or three days later, are tapping out the latest combinations from tap class, still aiming to get it exactly right. This is an excellent syllabus for all the grades, displaying your brilliant tapping ability and background whilst still being challenging and encouraging for all grades. Thank you for allowing us to have access to this fabulous work.”

“I received the Tapatak Oz package and watched the DVDS and they are really fantastic, really well done! I shall soon try to buy the others…a presto e ancora complimenti.”

“I have just finished teaching your Tapatak Oz Senior Disc One to my senior tap class and just wanted to let you know that they are loving it. It’s great you brought out something like this as a lot of my senior girls are in their 20’s and wanted a challenge -so it’s great to finally get them out of their comfort zone and into something a bit more funky and different. I showed my boss as well and she was so impressed with how you had done your DVD for viewing and learning purposes, so I am hoping to eventually bring in your junior stuff as a fun thing to do after tap exams. I will definitely be purchasing the next Senior Disc for my seniors to give them a challenge as well.”

“Thank you Christine for inspiring our growing school of tap dancers with your endless energy and passion for tap. Not only are you an extremely talented tap dancer and choreographer, you are also a brilliant teacher and communicator. The students gained so much from your three days here in Mildura, especially my young student teachers who soaked up your advice in the special two hour teacher’s workshop. We can’t wait to continue your work in preparation for our 50th anniversary performance at the end of the year.”

“Good morning. Well let’s just say the muscles are slightly killing me! Tapatak Oz is going really well and the kids are really enjoying themselves. You’ve put together a wonderful syllabus and my little girl just loves watching Miss Christine on the TV at home.”

“We have started Tapatak Oz at The Dance Works (DW) and the kids are enjoying it. The teachers are still studying the resources and are very impressed with the amount of work there is to cover. Our main teacher is Scott Woodward and he loves it. The kids and teachers (Scott, Summer, Cassie and Lauren) are all wrapped in the fact that they now have some continuity with and movement between classes. Thanks again.”

“WOW, what a night. Had one of the best nights teaching ever. Tapatak Oz was just incredible. I learnt so many new things and some fantastic ways to engage students with tap. Three hours have nearly gone so quickly. Feeling so inspired. The tap bucketlist has started 2014 will be my year.”

“Tapatak Oz – It is brilliant! I’ve been using it in my new dance school for about 6 months and the kids absolutely love it. So do I! So easy to use and the music is funky.”

“The kids are loving the Tapatak Oz syllabus! I’m finding that they are so much more engaged in their tap lessons now! Loving it!.”
“I just wanted to pop you an email to thank you for an awesome workshop on Friday night. Not often we get Tap workshops come to Perth so you can imagine our excitement when we found out you were on your way over. It was so great to come into a workshop where we could relax and enjoy ourselves while working hard. You created an amazing vibe and I can’t thank you enough for your passion and energy during the workshop.”
“Thank you so much. I received our exam results today and the kids will be thrilled! I love how encouraging you are & I just want to thank you for creating this syllabus. I’m so happy I changed over. You are an inspiration. Thank you!!
“We at Dance Express Mackay have fallen in love with tap all over again thanks to Tapatak Oz”
“We have just completed our first Tapatak Oz Exams, and I have to say we have loved every minute of it! The syllabus is so wonderful and has really brought out a new joy and enthusiasm in the students for tap. All of the students and teachers, especially love the fresh approach Christine has bought to her syllabus and enjoy the updated sense of style that Tapatak Oz encourages. Christine was an absolute joy to meet, our students learnt so much from her at the Summer workshop – we love Tapatak at ADS!”
“Recently had a look at one of my previous show dvds, and when I did that show I was happy with the tap routines. Now when I look at them I can’t believe how easy they were – the tap at my studio has improved out of sight since using Tapatak Oz. Thanks Christine Love your work!”
“Congratulations Tapatak Oz for a fantastic Syllabus. This is a very worthwhile investment to my school and the content of the Resource Material purchased is phenomenal with easy to follow DVD’s, Manuals and well composed Musical Arrangements. The progression of steps between each level is intricate and challenging yet extremely rewarding. We are very excited to have Tapatak Oz in New Zealand. Thank you Christine Denny – you are a Tap Genius.”
“The more exercises I learn the more fun it gets. I love this syllabus – how you can make it your own style as well. Your videos are so informative and make it so much easier to explain to the children how to do the steps. So Thank you – I love Tapatak Oz !”
“Finally – some exciting tap!! And who better to do it then Christine Denny. I have trained under Christine and loved her style from the beginning. As Head Teacher of the newest Dance Academy in Canberra, I am so proud to spread the word about TAPATAK OZ created by a tap extraordinaire! All the students at U.D.A are LOVING this new, fresh style. It’s modern – it’s different – and it’s up with the times. What a challenge for us all, and as a tap instructor it makes my job much more interesting and enjoyable. The DVDs themselves are nice and easy to learn from and the content is fantastic!
Definitely the buy of the year! I have no doubt that using this syllabus will help our academy grow.”
“I use Christine’s Tapatak Oz for all my classes but I teach it open style to top 40 music! It is fantastic! I highly recommend! It’s fast, funky and fun and it is also not highly repetitive like a lot of other tap syllabus. The kids love it and don’t even realize they are doing a syllabus! We love it!”
“We have started implementing your syllabus with our junior school and we love it. After 4 weeks I can already see the improvement in our students.”
“I recently purchased Tapatak Oz and am thrilled with it. Congratulations on this product. You have definitely inspired me and I love your teaching style.”
“My students are loving the Tapatak Oz classes that I am offering this year. I started teaching one class a week of the Tapatak Oz System and this has now grown to three a week. The students love them. I have had ex-students return to the studio to learn this style as I usually teach the traditional Broadway style and this is very different. I will be in contact soon to order more of the DVDs and once again thank you for a fantastic tap system.”
“Thanks Christine. I’m very impressed with your website and your DVDs. This is just a start and it will definitely freshen up my classes.”
“Tapatak Oz is great. I really love the work. It’s nice to be able to buy this kind of style of tap and instructional DVD in Australia. Usually I buy a lot from America! Hope to buy more in the future.”