Hi Everyone and welcome back,
Tapatak Oz is on the move with a new vision for 2019 and beyond!
Over the past 10 years I have been watching the development of the Tapatak Oz Program and am thrilled, surprised, and delighted by where it has gone. The heights we have reached as a tap community, are incredible and it has developed in ways I never could have imagined.
So – I thank all of you who are current clients for being part of that ride.
Due to the fluid and ongoing development of the program – especially for those dedicated to the examination process, I thought it could be good to refine and revue just “ where we are at” and “ where we are going” in the future for all those involved.
Our Mission Statement if you like.
There have been many interesting developments and realizations over the past few years especially – and your feedback has been greatly valued along the way.
It is this feedback that has prompted me to write this update for you all.
I trust you will enjoy reading it and that it clarifies exactly what my vision is for Tapatak Oz moving forward.
As you will discover from this document – for me, and many of our schools and teachers – it is much more than a tap syllabus. It is an entire philosophy on teaching and education!
Grab a cup of tea – and enjoy ☺
– Christine –
What has become abundantly clear to me in recent years is that TAPATAK OZ is not just about the steps and rhythms but rather an entire philosophy that underpins the system. To gain the most from the system it is important that you, your staff, your students and your studios’ parents, both understand and embrace this way of thinking. So I wanted to outline that below:
In short our system is about:
• Developing our students’ ability to think for themselves and feel confident in expressing who they are through the work.
• Encouraging self-motivation – so that they naturally desire to go further and push themselves to achieve their own unique potential, as opposed to just “ doing what is required” and resting with that.
• Developing teachers who know what each student’s potential is and who are able to motivate them to reach that, know what that is and be happy with that. As what they can do should be relevant to that potentiality.
• Developing an understanding that effort = reward and in order to gain the highest mark – that effort will be required.
• Giving the student’s adequate time to craft a step, perfect a rhythm and polish a concept. They – and their teachers – must understand that “ good things take time”.
• Commitment, enthusiasm and hard work
• Creating thinking artists, teachers, students and tappers of the future who relish, enjoy and encourage thought and creativity – as opposed to tappers /teachers who replicate the same thing year on year with no thought as to how the program can be developed, melded, changed or enhanced as time passes. This is paramount to our approach.
• Mentoring both teachers and students with the expectation that both parties put in the required thought, time, effort, enthusiasm and commitment to grow and expand their skills – both creative and technical.
• It is about the journey, the learning and the process – not the certificate at the end. The result / certificate is a by-product of the learning, not the goal in and of itself.
• Feedback is a valuable part of our examination process and needs to be listened to and acted upon to maximize the benefits of the syllabus. Our feedback is robust, rigorous and honest and this will never change.
• It is not about what the student’s get – but rather – what they learn = commitment, determination, courage, creativity, goal setting, focus, time management, self motivation, self direction, self management, self confidence, tenacity, pride in their individuality and ideas, how to handle things when they don’t go to plan, dealing with disappointment, handling a stressful situation like an exam.
As well as learning and experiencing the joy and creativity of good quality tap dance. You must be willing to explain these points to the parents of your students, otherwise they will not value or support your exam program.
So – that is where we are headed in 2019.
It really is thrilling to see the way that our dance schools and teachers have embraced our entire philosophy and methodology over the years and the impact it has had on their tap departments and the confidence and skill level of their tappers.
Having said that, I realize that everyone has different needs and it is important that you choose the right option for you, your parents and students.
So as of 2019 we will be offering Three Tiers in Tapatak Oz!
1. Our Elite Examination Program
2. Our Elite Mentorship Program
3. Our Tapping For Fun Program
If you wish to participate in our Elite Examination Program: – this is a real commitment from you, your tap staff, your students and their parents. It requires true effort, enthusiasm and commitment from everyone involved – and yes it is a challenge. But the rewards are many in both technique and personal development!
If you wish to participate in our Elite Mentorship Program: – then you get the benefit of working with me [ or an examiner ] one on one and all that brings to your staff and students – without the added pressure of the exam process. This may suit dance schools with less time to devote to their tapping program.
If you wish to participate in our Tapping for Fun Program: – then you get the benefit of accessing the huge volume of work in Tapatak Oz without the pressure and stress of reaching goals like exams. This is a great option for dance schools that would like a structured syllabus to follow without the challenges of exams and mentoring.
So – I trust this is all really clear and that there is an option to suit everyone.
For those of you who are not yet clients – simply jump on line and download the syllabus program to get started in 2019:
Note – please check your junk folder for the link to your files which will arrive about5 – 10 minutes after you have placed your order!
Too easy!
For those of you who are already clients – you may like to decide which option will bring the most JOY to your TAPPING PROGRAM IN 2019!
Please let me know what avenue you would like to pursue in 2019 and beyond, as having a JOY FOR TAP is the most important thing of all.
Love Tap and Pass It On
– Christine –