Hello to all and welcome to 2018,

Yes indeedy doo – it is 2018!

Can you believe that we are launching into a new year? It seems like yesterday that we were welcoming in 2017 – and now here we are, ready to start a fresh year all over again!

It is just incredible to me how quickly the years seem to pass by these days ha ha – but I am told that it is my increasing years that make this phenomenon possible heh heh!

On a positive note though –  I am happy to say that I have a fabulous new technique to share with you in terms of teaching rhythmic structure to young children! Just when I thought I had heard it all, I discovered this technique when I was learning drumming last year – in my cajon class!

So a huge thank-you to my drumming teacher – the incredible Byron Mark for this fabulous tip!

And it all comes down to fruit salad!

Who knew ha ha ah ?

So here it is!

When teaching basic rhythmic structure – that is the break down of the single beat  – {or crotchet you might say in musical terms} Byron uses these fruits to assist his young students in understanding the rhythm.

And when you try it you will see how easily it comes, as the phonetics of these fruity delights flow so easily with the rhythm they represent!

For instance:

1 2 3 4 = Pear Pear Pear Pear

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & = Mango Mango Mango Mango

1&a 2&a 3&a 4&a = Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple

1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a  = Watermelon Watermelon Watermelon Watermelon

Pure Genius!

How fantastic is this method? I was just blown away.

Especially with using ” Pineapple” to teach triplets, which can be really challenging for younger students to understand rhythmically.

I would work with this method in this way:

  1. Have the students say the fruit
  2. Have the students clap the rhythm of fruit
  3. Have the students try a step in the rhythm of the fruit:

EG:  Pear  = stamp R foot, stamp L foot, stamp R foot , stamp L foot

Mango = stamp and clap x 4

[ R clap,  L clap,  R clap,  L clap ]

Pineapple = stamp, step step x 4 [ RLR, LRL, RLR, LRL ]

Watermelon = heel dig, brush up, step, heel [ RRRR LLLL RRRR LLLL ]

NOTE: You might call these Watermelon steps “paradiddles”, “single heels” in our syllabus or “heels”!

But whatever you call the step you will find that this works an absolute treat and it is so relatable for the younger students!

And talking fruit is really fun too and brings a really cool vibe to the class!

So – that is my break through tapping teaching tip for 2018 – right there!

Fruit Salad!

Like I always say – you never  stop learning and sometimes where you find this learning can be quite surprising too!

So till next time – Love Tap and Pass It On!

And if you are gearing up for Term One in the Southern Hemisphere it is not too late to grab your Tapatak Oz Syllabus and join us for 2018. And you can even book in to our Sydney Teacher’s Conference from January 22nd – 24th to get a head start on all the work for the year! Just email us for all details: info@tapatak-oz.com

So –  head to the website, download your resources and get started!

Too easy – just go to: www.tapatak-oz.com

Let’s hear it for a fabulous 2018!

Woot Woot!

Christine 🙂